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How to live in a construction site

Considering living in your house while it's being renovated into your dream home?

Read these tips and tricks!

Congratulations! Your drawings are stamped, your building permit is posted in the window, and your contractor is coming by with a sledgehammer to start your construction. What can you do to prepare your home to be a construction site?

Tip #1 - Clear the way

Pack up things you won't need for the next several months. Consolidate all the items you will need in one place so you can access them. Minimize anything you can (ie. clothing). Put away as much as possible.

When preparing for the contractor's arrival, ensure a clear path of at least 3 feet wide throughout the construction area. Remove personal items and decorations to create a clean workspace. A clutter-free environment allows the contractor to focus on the task rather than protecting your belongings, leading to a smoother, safer construction project.

Tip #2 - Create storage zones

Designate places in the house that won't be touched during construction as the storage center for items that need to be removed from the construction zone.

Designate another area as the place to store materials that will be part of construction that's out of the way but easy for the contractors to get to.

"If at first you don't succeed, that's about average for a construction project." – Sam "The Sledgehammer" Stevens

Tip #3 - Expect disruption

Bear in mind that construction is messy, noisy, and disruptive to your daily routine.  There will be a layer of white joint compound dust on everything, so put away anything that's challenging to clean.

Tip #4 - Avoid if possible

If you have a choice to live somewhere else while your home is under renovation, that will be the least stressful option for you. Even if it means sharing a single room with your whole family in your mother-in-law's house for a little while.

Tip #5 - Make a getaway plan

If living in a construction site is overwhelming, designate a place to escape the noise and mess. Whether it's a friend's house, hotel room, or Airbnb rental, having a temporary sanctuary can provide relief and help maintain your well-being during this disruptive period.

Want to find out if it's feasible to live in your home during construction?

Book a free Q+A with the architect! On this 30 minute phone call, you'll speak directly with Architect Liz Saunier about your project.


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